
Borgonovi and Compagni Receive the Atlas Award at Bocconi

, by Fabio Todesco
In a ceremony with representatives from Elsevier, Value in Health and ISPOR

Mike Drummond, Co-Editor-in-Chief of Value in Health, Terry Materese, Executive Publisher at Elsevier, Health and Medical Sciences, and Nancy Berg, ISPOR (International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research) CEO awarded Bocconi professors Elio Borgonovi and Amelia Compagni (both in the Department of Policy Analysis and Public Management) with the Elsevier Atlas Award in a ceremony at Bocconi University last Tuesday.

The Atlas Award is an acknowledgement to "research that could significantly impact people's lives around the world or has already done so". Winning papers are selected across Elsevier's 1,800 journals by an external advisory board made up of individuals from international organizations and NGOs. It was assigned to Borgonovi and Compagni for Sustaining Universal Health Coverage: The Interaction of Social, Political, and Economic Sustainability, (in Value in Health, Volume 16, Issue 1, Supplement, pp. S34-S38, doi:10.1016/j.jval.2012.10.006).

In their article Borgonovi and Compagni argue that economic sustainability has been the main focus of the debate about universal healthcare coverage (UHC) for too long. Social and political sustainability should be considered as well.