People Law

Catherine Rogers Wins Acclaim

, by Andrea Costa
Her paper on the role of arbitrators and the effects of bias has been named best professional article of 2023 by CPR

The article Reconceptualizing the Party-Appointed Arbitrator and the Meaning of Impartiality, by Catherine Rogers of Bocconi's Department of Legal Studies, has won the 2023 Professional Article Award by New York City-based CPR (International Institute for Conflict Prevention & Resolution). The paper had been published in early 2023 in the Harvard International Law Journal.

"As a very young professor just starting out, I received with great excitement the CPR Award for best article in 2002 for my first article about ethics in international arbitration. That is when I first realized that my scholarly work could also have an impact on practitioners in the field," said Professor Rogers, remembering past achievements. "Now, over 20 years later, I am even more profoundly excited to learn from this prize that scholarship about ethics in international is still considered impactful-thank you CPR."

The paper, which had already been featured on Bocconi Knowledge, contains groundbreaking considerations on the role itself of arbitrators, the influence of cognitive bias on arbitrations and how to design a process that limits the adverse effects of bias on arbitrations.

The CPR is an independent nonprofit organization that promotes the prevention and resolution of conflict. The CPR Institute builds capacity for dispute prevention and resolution through the thought leadership of its diverse members - companies, leading mediators and arbitrators, law firms, individual practitioners, and academics - who share best practices and develop innovative tools for dispute management.