Research Law

The Bocconi PhD in International Law and Economics celebrates its 25th Anniversary

, by Ilaria Ricotti
On October 31st, in Bocconi, a conference on the important issues touched upon the PhD and as a tribute to its founder, Giorgio Sacerdoti

They come from all over the world: from law firms, international organizations and prestigious universities, but they all passed through the Bocconi PhD in International Law and Economics. And they will come back to Bocconi on Friday 31st in Aula Magna Gobbi , to celebrate the PhD's 25th Anniversary and the retirement of Giorgio Sacerdoti, professor of European and International law. The conference will be dedicated to "The Multifaceted Regulation of the Global Economy". Giorgio Sacerdoti, senior Bocconi Professor, was founder and past Director of the PhD in International Law and Economics.

The conference will start at 9 am with Welcome Addresses by Damiano Canale (Head of Angelo Sraffa Department of Legal Studies), Alfonso Gambardella (Dean of Bocconi PhD School), Gianfranco Minutolo ( Head of Bocconi Alumni Relations and Director, Bocconi Alumni Association- BAA) and Andrea Sironi, Rector of Bocconi University.

Claudio Dordi, Director of the PhD in International Law and Economics, will give the Opening Remarks. His speech will focus on the results achieved by the PhD and what purposes and challenges are waiting for the PhD in the future. "On the day in which we celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the PhD, and in which we give tribute to its creator, it's fundamental look at what the PhD produced throughout the years and what are the possible international problem and scenarios in which the PhD will have to work".
The conference will end with the Closing Remarks by Giorgio Sacerdoti on The International Lawyer and the Regulation of the Global Economy.

In several panels, that will take place throughout the day, PhD alumni in International Law and Economics will face important themes, at the core of the PhD: the regulation of the global economy, the role of European institutions in global government, economic integration, international economic disputes.