People Economics

Alessandra Fogli welcomed in the Department of Economics

, by Laura Fumagalli
She comes from University of Minnesota

From September 2012 Alessandra Fogli, an assistant professor at University of Minnesota, enters the Department of Economics in the role of associate professor. Fogli is a researcher of the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) since 2004; previously she was a visiting scholar at the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis and an assistant professor at New York University.

Her research interests include macroeconomics, labor and family economics, preference formation and transmission. She has published several papers in international journal, among which there are Quarterly Journal of Economics, American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics and Journal of The European Economic Association.

A graduate from Università Bocconi, Fogli obtained a PhD in Economics from University of Pennsylvania with the dissertation Topics in Macroeconomics with Frictions.