People Law

Ventoruzzo Appointed General Editor of the Journal of Financial Regulation

, by Fabio Todesco
The journal by Oxford University Press will start publications in 2014

Marco Ventoruzzo (Department of Legal Studies) has been appointed one of the general editors of the forthcoming Journal of Financial Regulation, a journal by Oxford University Press, expected to start publications in 2014.

"The Journal of Financial Regulation is going to deal with the regulation of the financial markets with a rigorous scholarly angle", Ventoruzzo says, "and with an international, comparative, interdisciplinary approach. Particular attention will be given to emerging markets. The board includes scholars from different legal systems and continents", including Georg Ringe (University of Copenhagen), Thierry Boneau (Université Panthéon-Assas, Paris II), Daniel Awrey (Oxford University), Christopher Brummer (Georgetown Law School), Douglas Arner (University of Hong Kong), Henry Gao (Singapore Management University), Zhongfei Zhou (Shanghai University of Finance and Economics).

"I'm honoured to participate in this new, exciting project, with prestigious colleagues and a publisher which warrants scientific credibility and international exposure", Ventoruzzo concludes.