People Law

Miriam Allena Officially Enters the Department of Legal Studies

, by Laura Fumagalli
She has been an Assistant Professor since last March

Last March the Department of Law welcomed Miriam Allena as a new Assistant Professor. Allena is not a new face for the University of via Sarfatti: it's since 2009, indeed, that she collaborates with the chair of Administrative Law at Bocconi University, where she has been a research fellow.

A lawyer from 2009, Allena has completed her education at Milan's Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, where she obtained a degree cum laude in Law (2004), a post graduate Master in Law at the "Scuola di Specializzazione per le Professioni Legali" (2006) and a PhD in Administrative Law (2009) with the dissertation Verso il giudice di legittimità come giudice del merito.

Miriam Allena has also been carrying on a teaching activity since 2006 at Università Cattolica, Cà Foscari of Venice, Politecnico of Milan and università Bocconi, where she teaches Administrative Law. In 2012 she published her first monographic study, Art 6 CEDU. Procedimento e processo amministrativo (Naples, Editoriale Scientifica).