People Finance

Fabiano Schivardi, a New Full Professor with Bocconi Roots

, by Bojana Murisic
The scholar will join the Department of Finance and will be Rodolfo Debenedetti Chair in Entrepreneurship

Fabiano Schivardi is joining Università Bocconi as Full Professor at the Department of Finance in the academic year 2014-2015 – just in time for the 2014 edition of Bocconi Run, given his passion for running. Previously, he taught at Luiss University in Rome. He is a graduate of Università Bocconi and he did his PhD at Stanford University.

The scholar will be the Rodolfo Debenedetti Chair in Entrepreneurship.

A recent paper of his studies the firm as an internal credit market. A key finding is that in less financially developed markets employees have lower entry wages but faster wage growth when compared to firms in more financially developed markets, implicitly lending money to their employers at the beginning of workers' tenure.

"I was impressed by the scope and depth of the changes that Bocconi had undertaken to compete with the best international institutions", Schivardi said commenting his decision to join Bocconi. "It really seems to have taken up the challenges of globalization and is doing it successfully".

Schivardi has already rolled up his sleeves when it comes to research with his new Bocconi colleagues. Some policy work has already been done with professors Tito Boeri, Francesco Giavazzi, and Guido Tabellini and more is yet to come with some other Bocconi faculty members.

In terms of teaching this fall, classes ahead of Schivardi are an introductory microeconomics class and an entrepreneurial economics class and he will be teaching both classes to undergraduate students.