People Political Sciences

Andrea Colli, keynote speaker in Lisbon

, by Ilaria Ricotti
The professor has been invited to give a speech at the annual meeting of the Portuguese Association of Economic and Social History

Andrea Colli (Department of Policy Analysis and Public Management) will be the keynote speaker at the 34th Conference of the Portuguese Association of Economic and Social History, that will be held on the 14 and 15 November in Lisbon.

Colli describes in this way the issues on which he will focus his speech: "The Economics History and the Business History are considered by many as if they are speaking different languages​​: one that uses quantitative methods to analyze general issues, the other focusing only on enterprises and entrepreneurs. I want to try to reconcile these two disciplines. After all, both are interested in the same topics such as economic development and growth and both use as keys for interpretation companies and aggregates of companies. "