People Marketing

Joseph Nunes, an Adjunct Studying Cultural Industries

, by Bojana Murisic
A Professor of Marketing at Marshall, hes already been a Visiting Professor at Bocconi and is now joining the Department of Marketing

Joseph Nunes is joining the Department of Marketing at Bocconi as an Adjunct Professor. He is a Professor of Marketing at the University of Southern California Marshall School of Business in Los Angeles. Joseph gained both his Ph.D in Marketing and his MBA degree at the University of Chicago.

As a Visiting Professor at Bocconi he taught masters students a class on the movie business. He also taught a class on judgment and decision making in Marketing to the Ph.D. students. Now, as an Adjunct Professor, his teaching to the Ph.D. students in Marketing will be on managing the review process at journals.

Joseph is an expert on consumer retention and loyalty programs, on models of consumer decision processes, on cultural goods including music, fashion and luxury goods, on branding, strategic issues in pricing, product assortment and cross-cultural marketing status.

His collaborations at Bocconi are both with people in the Department of Marketing and in the Department of Management and Technology. He has a number of ongoing projects with Andrea Ordanini and looks forward to working with Zach Estes. With people in the Management group he works on cultural and creative goods, like music and fashion.

Joseph spends 10 to 12 weeks in Milan. What does he do when he is here except for the usual suspects: research and teaching? He enjoys good food and good wines and he is fond of visiting interesting places, "not just the usual places every American goes to" (Rome, Venice, Florence, the Amalfi Coast). With his family he has been to Sardinia, Sicily, Apulia, and this summer he has Calabria all planned out. He also likes to window shop in the fashion quadrilateral in Milan. Who could blame him given that he is a student of luxury?