People Law

Marco Bassini Awarded with the Vittorio Frosini Prize

, by Fabio Todesco
For his PhD dissertation about the impact of ICT on fundamental rights

Marco Bassini, Research Fellow at Bocconi's Department of Law, is the ex-aequo recipient of the Sixth Vittorio Frosini Award in Legal Informatics and ICT Law, established by the Il diritto dell'informazione journal and the Frosini family to commemorate the lasting scholarship of Vittorio Frosini, the father of ICT Law in Italy, and reserved for PhD dissertations.

Marco Bassini's dissertation, defended in 2016 in Verona, tackles the topic of the impact of information and communication technologies on the protection of fundamental rights and foresees two possible solutions: the international or national adoption of an Internet Bill of Rights or the constitutionalization of a digital version of fundamental rights.

«This dissertation, the result of in-depth doctrinal and jurisprudential research, is appreciated for the critical reflections of the author, showing that in contemporary legal systems there already are adequate tools to safeguard fundamental rights on the Internet and that courts have been able to make use of them. The use of the comparative method, with particular reference to the American experience, also appears to be praiseworthy», the jury, including Professors Pietro Rescigno, Vincenzo Zeno-Zencovich, and Tommaso Edoardo Frosini, wrote in the motivation.

The award will be presented on Friday, 1 February in Rome, during a scholarly workshop on Algorithms, organized by the Piero Calamandrei Foundation.