People Management

GOTaM Cities to Attract Talents

, by Fabio Todesco
Geography Of Talents in Metropolitan Cities is a research project by Andrea Morrison, winner of a Marie Sklodowska Curie Individual Fellowship

Andrea Morrison (ICRIOS) is the recipient of a Marie SkÅ‚odowska-Curie Individual Fellowship worth €180,000 for GOTaM Cities (Geography Of Talents in Metropolitan Cities), a research project on how to attract talents to metropolitan areas.

«The competitiveness of global cities is crucially affected by their ability to nurture and attract talented workers», says Prof. Morrison. «In this global race, the European Union is lagging behind in comparison with the US and other Anglo-Saxon economies. The diffusion of anti-immigration sentiments is also worrisome because the recovery from the Great Recession of 2008 is far from being in sight for many EU regions while the access to a diverse set of skills via high skilled immigrants could boost the innovative sectors needed for economic growth. Therefore, it is important to provide robust evidence on the economic effects of high skilled immigration in order to justify policies for their attraction».

GOTaM Cities aims at understanding how talents are attracted to cities and how they impact on their innovative performance and prosperity. While building on existing literature the project will make several contributions by addressing some unexplored questions and empirical shortcomings. In particular, it will build a unique comprehensive dataset (and related methodologies) on migrant inventors and scientists which will help the scholarly community and policy makers to carry out informed empirical analysis.

A two-year project, GOTaM Cities will start on 1 September 2019.