People Economics

Guido Tabellini to the Top Tier of the Econometric Society

, by Fabio Todesco
The Bocconi Professor has been elected Second Vice President, with the prospect of becoming President in two years

Guido Tabellini, Intesa Sanpaolo Chair in Political Economics at Bocconi, has been elected Second-Vice President of The Econometric Society, «an international society for the advancement of economic theory in its relation to statistics and mathematics», according to its own definition, and the most important association of economists with a global reach.

The Second- Vice President is destined to become President of the society in two years, after gaining experience in the Executive Committee. The election took place in November and the first session of the Committee is planned for January 2020.

«The most interesting challenge for the society at this time», Prof. Tabellini says, «is the enlargement of its reach to scholars in developing countries. Even if members don't come only from Europe and the US, they usually come from rich countries, and we want to overcome this bias».