People Political Sciences

Veronica Vecchi Chairperson of Infrastrutture Milano Cortina

, by Ezio Renda
The top managers of the company that will be in charge of the infrastructure works for the 2026 Winter Olympics have been appointed by Minister Giovannini

Veronica Vecchi, Associate Professor of Practice at SDA Bocconi and scholar of public-private partnerships and long-term investments, has been appointed Chairperson of Infrastrutture Milano Cortina 2020-2026 Spa.

The Minister for Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility, Enrico Giovannini, in agreement with the Minister for the Economy and Finance, Daniele Franco, and the Undersecretary for Sport, Valentina Vezzali, appointed the three state-appointed members of the company's Board of Directors. These are Veronica Vecchi, indicated as Chairperson, Luigivalerio Sant'Andrea appointed CEO, and Valentina Favaretto. The other two appointments to the company's Board of Directors are made by the Lombardy and Veneto Regions and the Autonomous Provinces of Trento and Bolzano, which jointly nominated Tommaso Santini and Angelo De Amici.

With the same decree, Minister Giovannini appointed three of the five members of the company's board of statutory auditors: Enrico Brambilla as Chairperson, Raffaella Pallavicini and Giovanni Cioffi. The other two members of the board of statutory auditors are also appointed jointly by the Lombardy and Veneto Regions and the Autonomous Provinces of Trento and Bolzano, which have decided on the names of Elisa Carli and Patrick Bergmeister.

Infrastrutture Milano Cortina 2020-2026 Spa is a company supervised by the Minister of Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility, set up to carry out the infrastructure works for the Winter Olympics. The company will also deal with the sports facilities connected with the event. The decree of appointment will take effect upon completion of the company's incorporation.