People Law

Cesare Cavallini Director of the Department of Legal Studies

, by Fabio Todesco
The Bocconi global jurist model will have to combine the robustness of domestic research with the Department's necessary international exposure, stemming from the quality of research in the global marketplace

Cesare Cavallini, Full Professor of Civil Procedure, is the new Director of Bocconi Department of Legal Studies. Chosen by Department colleagues through a ballot, he will serve until Oct. 31, 2025.

"I am delighted by the wide trust shown in me," Professor Cavallini said after the election. "My predecessor, Marco Ventoruzzo, leaves me with a Department that has grown in terms of research capacity and international exposure, which I aim to consolidate by pursuing four goals."

From the point of view of research, the goal is twofold: to consolidate domestic research, which sees the Department already among the best in Italy according to ANVUR's VQR (Research Quality Assessment) Report, and the further qualitative improvement of international production, which although already widely developed, requires continuous progression, until it becomes a natural component of the jurist's research.

The second goal is the creation of awareness of the strategic role that a Department such as Legal Studies can play in a reality such as Bocconi. "Since law regulates society, the Law Department is central in all the great universities of the world," says Prof. Cavallini.

The third goal - a direct consequence of the first two - is the affirmation of a Bocconi global jurist model that, while respecting the freedom of research and in tune with the University's inclusive and pluralist vision, "knows how to combine in an inseparable way the robustness of national research and an international exposure that is the result of the quality of research. In a way, the international perspective can also offer us an innovative key to interpret domestic research itself."

"As a fourth goal," the newly appointed Director concludes, "I would like to stimulate even more the propensity to collaborate between distinct research fields, following an approach that is classic in the Anglo-Saxon world, but which is still struggling to catch on in Europe."