Research Political Sciences

Two More ERC Grants to Bocconi

, by Fabio Todesco
Salvatore Nunnari and Anne Marie Jeannet have obtained two ERC Starting Grants from the European Research Council for research projects about the success of populist parties in Europe and the political consequences of deindustrialization

Bocconi will host two more research projects awarded with a European Research Council Starting Grant. Salvatore Nunnari, Assistant professor at the Department of Economics, and Anne-Marie Jeannet, a research fellow, are among the 408 new researchers financed with a Starting grant, the ERC has announced today.

ERC Starting Grants are awarded to early-career researchers of any nationality with two to seven years of experience since completion of the PhD (or equivalent degree) and a scientific track record showing great promise. The research must be conducted in a public or private research organization located in one of the EU Member States or Associated Countries. The funding (maximum €2.5 million per grant, including up to €1 million to cover extraordinary costs) is provided for up to five years. For researchers in the following stages of their careers, the ERC provides Consolidator Grants, Advanced Grants, and Synergy Grants.

With these two Grants, Bocconi has been hosting 35 ERC Grants since the inception of the European program in 2007.

Salvatore Nunnari's project, POPULIZATION (Behavioral Foundations of Populism and Polarization) uses the tools of behavioral political economy to shed light on the puzzling pattern of support for populism in Europe, addressing both the supply (politicians) and demand (voters) sides.

Anne-Marie Jeannet's DESPO (Deindustrializing Societies and the Political Consequences) analyzes the social and political effects of deindustrialization. Rich data and an innovative methodology will allow her to observe long-term consequences in a time period that spans from 1965 to 2005.