Research Management

The Boss's Emotions

, by Claudio Todesco
Managing your emotions can have positive effects on teamwork, as a study by Emilia Paolino demonstrates

Emotions count. They also count for leaders who have to manage tension and stress and find the energy to lead their team. They have to reduce the risk of overexertion and behave in accordance with the strategy of the organization, which may consider some emotions as inappropriate. A study conducted by SDA Bocconi on the emotional strategies adopted in the workplace by 1101 participants in the school's executive courses showed that the proper management of emotions by the leader has a positive impact on the performance of his team.

"A leader shapes the emotional climate of the working team", says Emilia Paolino, SDA fellow. "There are positive repercussions on the behavior of team members when the leader shows appropriate emotions". Leaders' behavior creates a learning climate that favors the development of innovative processes and the management of unexpected events. They are both essential for organizations facing the pressing challenges of the market.

The effort to control emotions, though, enables them to effectively lead the team in the short and medium term, but it may create problems in the long run. The leader must internalize emotion control. Otherwise, it may lead to excessive stress or even to burnout. "These results can be a starting point for any organization to achieve good team and organizational performances by following the rules of emotional management. Firms should engage in building an organizational culture that respects the well-being of its members, supports individuals' identities, improves workplace harmony".

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