Research Law

Universities talk about terrorism and constitutional rights

, by Lucia Schieppati
Valerio Lubello e Arianna Vedaschi presented a paper at the conference about International terrorism struggle in Harvard

Valerio Lubello and Arianna Vedaschi (Department of Law) presented a paper about Data Retention and its Implications for the Foundamental Rights to Privacy: A European Perspective, in occasion of conference Constitutionalism Across Borders in the Struggle Against Terrorism (Harvard Law School, 6 and 7 March).

The discussion was about global terrorism, which struggle grow up, during last twenty years, as an international theme. The states collaborate more and more with each other to provide against this problem with a series of agreements and are creating a network with exchanges of information and data collected by individual nation.

At the conference there were law professors from major law universities, for example Princeton University, Harvard Law School, and also as speaker there were David Cole (Georgetown Law and Chair of the IACL Working Group on Constitutional Responses to Terrorism)and Savvas Papasavvas (Judge of the General Court of the EU) and as commenters there were professors from Harvard Gabriella Blum, Gerald Neuman e Mark Tushnet.