Research Finance

A Baffi Carefin Conference in Rome

, by Fabio Todesco
The research center promotes the event on the stability of banking systems (17 and 18 March) along with the Review of Financial Studies, Sapienza University's Faculty of Economics and Banca d'Italia. Nobel laureate Robert Engle to give the keynote address

A keynote address by Nobel Prize laureate Robert Engle, four academic sessions and a policy roundtable. Baffi Carefin Centre for Applied Research on International Markets, Banking, Finance and Regulation and Bocconi's Intesa Sanpaolo Chair in Economics of Financial Regulation are among the promoters of the 2017 Conference on "Banks, Systemic Risk, Measurement and Mitigation", to be held at Rome's Sapienza University on March 17-18. The other promoters are the Review of Financial Studies, a leading scholarly journal, the Faculty of Economics, Sapienza University, and Banca d'Italia.

Stefano Caselli (Department of Finance) is Program Co-Chair with Sapienza University's Marina Brogi and will present a paper entitled Les Liaisons Dangereuses. Politically Connected Directors and the Governance of Banks and chair one of the academic sessions.

Elena Carletti (Department of Finance) will chair another academic session and discuss one of the papers. She is, furthermore, co-author of Supervisory Incentives in a Banking Union, a paper to be presented by UC Davis' Robert Marquez.

The policy roundtable will be attended by Ignazio Angeloni (Supervisory Board, ECB), Marina Brogi, Carmine Di Noia (Commissioner, CONSOB), Alessandro Penati (Chairman, Quaestio SGR) and Valeria Sannucci (Deputy Governor, Banca d'Italia).

The objective of the conference is to provide a discussion forum for academics and practitioners on issues such as the stability of banking systems, that are hot both in the public debate and in academic discourse.

CLICK HERE for the complete program