Research Political Sciences

Guidelines for Sustainable Development of Italian Municipalities Published

, by Andrea Costa
The GREEN research center led the project funded by the Ministry of the Environment

After nearly two years' work, the Italian Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security has released the National Guidelines for the Urban Agenda for Sustainable Development, the result of a project funded by the Ministry, coordinated by Bocconi University through the GREEN research center with Edoardo Croci and Benedetta Lucchitta with the cooperation of the University of Roma Tre, Urban@it and ASviS (Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development).

The Guidelines, complete with operational tools that can be updated over time, are intended to be a guidance and support device aimed at municipalities and metropolitan cities for the construction of their own Urban Agendas for Sustainable Development, keeping the National Strategy for Sustainable Development (SNSvS) as a reference framework. It is thus intended to give local authorities tools to facilitate the complex work of developing their own sustainable development agenda, while ensuring a common logic compatible with the national and global goals, contained in the UN 2030 Agenda.

The aims of the guidelines, in brief, are geared toward: integrating the Urban Agenda into general and sector planning and programming; consistently aligning urban policies with regional and national policies; developing a system of sustainable development goals and monitoring indicators; and involving stakeholders.

"The results of the analyses were systematized to identify an approach that can be replicated and adapted to different local and territorial contexts, and that can be used by municipalities and metropolitan cities to define their own Urban Agenda that is consistent with higher levels of governance (ie, regional and national) but at the same time tuned to local specificities," Edoardo Croci explains.

GREEN, meanwhile, has also assisted the Metropolitan City of Milan precisely to support the local authority in defining its own Urban Agenda, applying the principles contained in the guidelines.

The guidelines can be accessed at (in Italian)